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Kelly Rogers, Front Office

Kelly has worked with us for 17 years.  She has two sons and a very important dog.  When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, going for walks, and being at the dog park.



Angela Anderson, Front office

Angela has worked at this office for 12 years.  She started out as a dental assistant for Dr Lewis and Dr Gibson. Now she works mostly in the front office. She loves working in dentistry and camping in her camper, paddle boarding, walking, hiking, biking and spending time with her husband and 3 kids.



Barbara Cannon, Hygienist

Barb has worked as a hygienist for 24 years, but at our office for 17 years.  She loves her career and considers her patients family.  When not in the office, she and her husband enjoy their two grown children and grandchildren.  She loves their farm, cowboy boots, country music, road trips, cooking, and time with her big extended family.



Brandy Moss, Hygienist

Brandy has worked with us for just over a year now but she’s been a dental hygienist for over 33 years. She loves her work and now loves where she does it too!  She devotes a large portion of her time outside of work in volunteering and with her sons and husband.



Florence Verburg, Hygienist

Florence has worked at our office for 20 years.  She has two daughters.  Florence is a voracious reader.  When she isn’t working with us she enjoys hiking, traveling, skiing, and baking.




June Millard, Hygienist

June has worked in our office for 21 yrs. She also has a business Certificate in Management & Administration and Maritime Management Certificate.  She also owns a small business, Maritime Recruiters, LLC.



Robyn Arreola-Ly, Assistant

Robyn started her career in dentistry with our office 14 years ago.  She likes having been at our office for so long since she has gotten to know the other staff and patients so well they have become a second family to her.  When not in the office, Robyn loves going on adventures with her growing family.



Val Fritz, Assistant

Valerie has been with us since 2015. She has many years of experience in dentistry and always strives to provide personalized care for her patients with gentleness and kindness. In her spare time , Valerie enjoys spending time with her husband, son, daughter, family and friends.



Danielle Anderson, Assistant

Danielle is the newest addition to our team.  Along with working with us, she is a student at WSU.  In her spare time she enjoys hiking, going to concerts and spending time with friends.



Amir Belay, Assistant

A new edition to the office, Amir started in this field as an after school job, but then started to excel in the profession and it stuck.  She have now been assisting for over 20 years. In her spare time she works on DIY household projects, while raising her family and a cute little dog!
